Overview In this blog post, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Mobile Top 10 – a crucial list of the most pressing security risks facing mobile applications today. By understanding these vulnerabilities, we can better prioritize our security efforts and ensure our mobile apps are fortified against potential attacks. To bring these ...

What is WifiPineapple The Wifipineapple is a wifi auditing platform by Hack5 that offers extensive features for defensive and offensive wifi security applications through a slick interface that you can access from any web browesers. You can easily manage your wifipineapple and use it connect wireless engagements to gather passive on a target network or even execute man-in-the-middle style attack. ...

Lets get statrted by viewing the nmap results We can see that port 80 is running with a web server. Gobuster was failing continuously and I decided to take a peek in the official discussion forum. So I confirmed that was not an issue. So I continued inspecting the page and in the bottom side of the page it is ...