HTB-TimeLapse machine is really a great learning box for those who are new to Windows and Active Directory Pentesting I found the initial access (user flag) easier and root flag was a bit tricky for me due to my lack of windows privilege escalation skills overall its a fun machine Enumeration As always starting with an Nmap scan Nmap discovery ...

When we talk about web applications nowadays they are one of the most indispensable parts of many of the business activities of any companies around the globe that we engage in every day. While the web applications have great advantages like availability all around the world through the internet and are easy to deploy without any effort and investment from ...

What is OSI Model ?                   The OSI model is a logical and conceptual model that defines network communication used by systems open to interconnectio and communication with other systems .Charles Bachman at Honeywell  information system was the one to suggest the idea of the OSI model. But over time, it became quite famous with international recognition. The history of ...

Session hijacking ( cookie hijacking or cookie side-jacking) is a cyber-attack in which attackers take over a legitimate user’s computer session to obtain their session ID and then act as that user on any number of network services. This type of attack is hazardous to application security because it allows attackers to gain unauthorized access to protected accounts under the ...

Log4Shell is a vulnerability in the Apache Log4j Java-based logging library. Log4j is a fast, flexible and reliable logging framework (APIS) written in Java Programming Language. Log4j 2(Apache Log4j 2.0–2.14.1) versions which is a very common logging library used by applications across the world. The open-source Apache Log4j library has over 400,000 downloads from its Github project, according to cybersecurity ...

what is a pwnagotchi ? A pwnagotchi is a Tamagotchi like digital toy,but it feeds on Wi-Fi handshakes.The pwnagotchi is made with the help of a raspberry pi zero. It sniff around for the Wi-Fi signals around it and deauthenticate the client from the access point and captures the handshakes while they try to reconnect. This handshakes will be saved ...

Based on the Mr. Robot show, can you root this box? This CTF room can be considered as a very beginner friendly room.This was personally my first CTF room I have solved,so this is a special room for me. Mr.Robot is an American techno thriller television series. The plot is around Elliot Alderson, a cybersecurity engineer and hacker with a ... BountryHunter is web based easy difficulty machine . Table of Contents Table of contentsScanningEnumarationExploitationPrivilege EscalationScanningEnumerationExploitation Privilege Escalation Table of contents Scanning Nmap Enumaration Gobuster Exploitation Burpsuite and SSH Privilege Escalation Scanning ( In this face I want to do the OS Discovery, Open ports, Services on open ports and also the vulnerability scripts checking too.) For scanning purposes I ...

Table of Contents Table of contents1. Introduction2. What is TCP protocol?3. Advantages of TCP protocol4. Disadvantages of TCP protocol5. Attacks on the TCP6. What is UDP Protocol?7. Advantages of UDP Protocol8. Disadvantages of UDP Protocol9. Attacks on the UDP10. TCP vs UDP Table of contents Introduction What is TCP protocol? Advantages of TCP protocol Disadvantages of TCP protocol Attacks on ...

Table of Contents What is Web Scraping?How Web Scrapers Work?Python and Web ScrapingWeb Scraping with Beautiful SoupImporting necessary librariesFind URL that we want to extractInspect the page and find elementscode for scrapingStore the result in desired formatWeb Scraping with SeleniumImporting necessary librariescode for scraping What is Web Scraping? Web scraping is an automated method used to extract large amounts of ...