Started with nmap scan nmap –sS –sV –T4 First I tried access the http port but nothing was rendering there. The port 873 is enabled here,rsync is a utility for efficiently transferring and synchronizing files between a computer and an external hard drive and across networked computers by comparing the modification times and sizes of files(souce rsync -v ...

Cascade is a Windows machine that just got retired. This had got an active directory which we will try to penetrate in and get the admin privilege. Let’s begin with the nmap scan sudo nmap -sS -sV After doing the map enumeration, I decided to try LDAP enumeration using ldapsearch ldapsearch -x -b “dc=CASCADE, dc=local” -h From this ...

FaceApp has been with us since 2017, and it really raised in popularity the past years with its exceptional capability, let's look at the the side of the app! ...

Malware A.K.A malicious software is a file,program or a set of code that infects a system over a network and conducts any malicious operation that the attacker wants. Their capabilities may vary depending on the intentions but they mainly have  similar objectives such as: Get remote access to a computer. Target other users and systems from the infected device to ...

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