Welcome, fellow digital explorers! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the fascinating world of Kerberos authentication—a bit like unlocking the secrets of a mythical three-headed dog guarding our digital gates. You see, Kerberos isn’t just your run-of-the-mill network protocol; it’s more like your tech-savvy best friend, ensuring only the right folks get access to the good stuff in our online playground. ...

What is WifiPineapple The Wifipineapple is a wifi auditing platform by Hack5 that offers extensive features for defensive and offensive wifi security applications through a slick interface that you can access from any web browesers. You can easily manage your wifipineapple and use it connect wireless engagements to gather passive on a target network or even execute man-in-the-middle style attack. ...

When we talk about web applications nowadays they are one of the most indispensable parts of many of the business activities of any companies around the globe that we engage in every day. While the web applications have great advantages like availability all around the world through the internet and are easy to deploy without any effort and investment from ...

Session hijacking ( cookie hijacking or cookie side-jacking) is a cyber-attack in which attackers take over a legitimate user’s computer session to obtain their session ID and then act as that user on any number of network services. This type of attack is hazardous to application security because it allows attackers to gain unauthorized access to protected accounts under the ...

Log4Shell is a vulnerability in the Apache Log4j Java-based logging library. Log4j is a fast, flexible and reliable logging framework (APIS) written in Java Programming Language. Log4j 2(Apache Log4j 2.0–2.14.1) versions which is a very common logging library used by applications across the world. The open-source Apache Log4j library has over 400,000 downloads from its Github project, according to cybersecurity ...

What is google Dorking ? Google dorking is a method or technique used to find precise search results,but with a little creativity we can find all kinds of data exposed in the internet accidentally. This technique can also be used to get precise information on any topic while googling things. The first thing that a cyber security enthusiat thinks when ...

FaceApp has been with us since 2017, and it really raised in popularity the past years with its exceptional capability, let's look at the the side of the app! ...

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