Access control is a critical component of network security because it prevents unauthorised access to important resources. Microsoft’s Active Directory (AD), a popular directory service, offers a comprehensive set of tools for managing access rights and permissions. Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (RBCD), which provides improved control over user delegation and access inside an AD environment, is one of these features. We ...

what is delegation? In Active Directory (AD), delegation refers to the process of granting specific permissions to users or groups so that they can perform certain administrative tasks within the AD environment without having full administrative privileges. This allows organizations to distribute administrative tasks across different individuals or teams, reducing the burden on central administrators and providing more granular control ...

SSRF stands for Server Side Request Forgery. It is a type of web application vulnerability that allows an attacker to send a crafted request from the vulnerable server to other internal or external systems. It’s a server side attack that leads to sensitive information disclosure from the back-end server of the application. SSRF attacks can result in the disclosure of ...