Overview In this blog post, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Mobile Top 10 – a crucial list of the most pressing security risks facing mobile applications today. By understanding these vulnerabilities, we can better prioritize our security efforts and ensure our mobile apps are fortified against potential attacks. To bring these ...

HTB-TimeLapse machine is really a great learning box for those who are new to Windows and Active Directory Pentesting I found the initial access (user flag) easier and root flag was a bit tricky for me due to my lack of windows privilege escalation skills overall its a fun machine Enumeration As always starting with an Nmap scan Nmap discovery ...

From the quick nmap scan I saw that two ports were open SSH and http By browsing into the port 80, I get to know that litecart is during by running gobuster I found /backup directory From there I got a tar file. I downloaded it my local machine From the file at shop/admin/login.php from the tar file I got ...

Started with nmap scan nmap –sS –sV –T4 First I tried access the http port but nothing was rendering there. The port 873 is enabled here,rsync is a utility for efficiently transferring and synchronizing files between a computer and an external hard drive and across networked computers by comparing the modification times and sizes of files(souce google.com) rsync -v ...

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